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Monday, July 15, 2013


Hey Awana friends!  So excited to be planning our upcoming year!  Looking forward to fun times as always and reaching more and more kids with the Gospel of Christ!  What an awesome opportunity we have to serve alongside the Lord.

We will have training sessions scheduled for the month of August with details coming soon!  We'll have:

  • Awana PRO training: for all that have served in Awana in the past.  You don't need the details, you've got it DOWN!  We'll just have a brief meeting and prayer time together to cover a few logistics and pray over our upcoming year!

  • Awana COLLEGE/YOUTH training:  This specific training will help equip our students with the knowledge they need to have a successful club year!

  • Awana NEW LEADER training: New to Awana? Don't even know what A.W.A.N.A. stands for? Well this training session will be for you!  We will cover all the basics and get you set up for success!

Please click the link below to register yourself to serve in Awana this year.  Less than five minutes of your time TODAY will help us in successfully planning an awesome club year!

I look forward to serving with each of you!  Thanks for your help today!!  Please feel free to share with anyone that you know who might be interested in serving in Awana!

Because Kids Matter to God,
Jenifer Parris
Awana Commander