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Monday, August 6, 2012

Awana Club Directors

Awana Club Director 

• Keeps children involved in activities and paying attention during respectful moments. 
• Helps with minor injuries that occur. 
• Handles all upper level discipline problems (beyond scope of small group leaders). Major discipline issues should be discussed with the Commander. 
• Introduces Council time and highlights achievements and major awards won by kids in club. 
• Either coordinates speakers for Council Time or conducts Council Time and makes sure this time is effective. 
• Assists as a listener during handbook time. 
• Works with the Commander to plan specific activities for club. 
• Collaborates with secretary to ensure that all materials are being ordered in a timely manner. 
• Keeps expenditures within budget according to Awana budget guidelines. 
• Watches and evaluates leaders and the kids’ experience in club. 
• Keeps track of general progress of kids in the club, by staying in contact with Small Group leaders. 
• Manages and leads Small Group Leaders and Secretary in club by having fellowship gatherings, weekly prayers, etc. 

There are Director positions available in the following areas:

  • Puggles and Cubbies: Two through Four year olds
  • Sparks: Kindergarten through Second Grades
  • Truth and Training Girls: Third and Fourth Grades
  • Truth and Training Girls: Fifth and Sixth Grades
  • Truth and Training Boys: Third and Fourth Grades
  • Truth and Training Boys: Fifth and Sixth Grades

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